• Meditation is a very powerful tool: Poojya Gurudev The Geological Department had confirmed that there was no water under the earth in this area and it wasn t habitable The rocks here were not fit for quarrying and therefore had no utility value The govt had marked it as scrap land So it was an allotment by lease to vvmvp in 1982 for development in education and resource purposes The land was arid and rocky: through intense scientific water harvesting methods and borewell recharge methods water table was brought up That s how arid areas were converted into farmland Once the govt officials who had given us this land came to visit the ashram They starred in amazement and asked: Gurudev How did you manage this It was an absolutely barren patch of land Gurudev said: you know meditation is a very powerful tool and told them about the Sudharshan Kriya: Sudharshan Kriya today is being practiced by people of different religions creeds and races uniting all under one set of human values Love Brotherhood Peace Truth Nonviolence Right Conduct